Filtering by: Special Services

All Souls Evensong: Patronal Feast for the Battle of Okinawa
6:00 PM18:00

All Souls Evensong: Patronal Feast for the Battle of Okinawa

  • All Souls Anglican Episcopal Church of Okinawa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a special All Souls Evensong as we commemorate our church's patronal feast in honor of the Battle of Okinawa. This service follows the traditional format outlined in The Book of Common Prayer and features choral music, including psalms, canticles, and anthems from the rich Anglican musical tradition. Together, we will engage in scripture readings and prayers, reflecting on our shared history and the resilience of our community. All are welcome to participate in this meaningful celebration.

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Blue Christmas Evensong
6:00 PM18:00

Blue Christmas Evensong

  • All Souls Anglican Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Blue Christmas Evensong at All Souls Church, December 21st at 6 PM. The holidays are a difficult time for those who are lonely or grieving when everyone else is celebrating. If you are suffering, or know someone who is, please invite them to attend our service with you! Together we will acknowledge our losses and embrace God's message of hope.

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All Saints' Day (service on November 5)
10:00 AM10:00

All Saints' Day (service on November 5)

  • All Souls Anglican Episcopal Church of Okinawa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Saints’ Day, celebrated November 1 or the nearest Sunday afterward, is characterized by the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) as a Principal Feast, “taking precedence over any other day or observance” (BCP, 15). The day is set aside to remember and commend the saints of God, especially those who are not recognized at other points in the church year.

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All Saints' Day: The Reaffirmation of our Baptismal Vows and The Holy Eucharist
10:00 AM10:00

All Saints' Day: The Reaffirmation of our Baptismal Vows and The Holy Eucharist

  • All Souls Anglican Episcopal Church of Okinawa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Saints’ Day, celebrated November 1 or the nearest Sunday afterward, is characterized by the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) as a Principal Feast, “taking precedence over any other day or observance” (BCP, 15). The day is set aside to remember and commend the saints of God, especially those who are not recognized at other points in the church year.

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Irei no Hi: Okinawa Memorial Day
3:00 PM15:00

Irei no Hi: Okinawa Memorial Day

  • All Souls Anglican Episcopal Church of Okinawa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Diocese of Okinawa will hold its service for "Irei no hi" at 3pm on June 25 at All Souls Church, named after the souls lost in The Battle of Okinawa. For Americans unfamiliar with this day, the 23rd June – Irei no hi – is a public holiday in Okinawa (but not in mainland Japan) and commemorates the end of the Battle of Okinawa and the thousands of soldiers and civilians who died and whose names are inscribed on stone slabs in Heiwa Kinen Koen, the Peace Memorial Park at Itoman in the south of the island.

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